IUE survey of H I Lyα absorption. I. (Diplas+ 1994)
IUE SWP Data of Comets
IUE views Europa: Temporal variations in the UV
IUE-EXOSAT Observations of the BL Lac Object
IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 5: Chromospherically Active Binary Stars
IUE-ULDA access guide number 1: International Ultraviolet Explorer-Uniform Low Dispersion Archive. Dwarf novae and nova-like stars
IUWDS in the Year 2000
IUWDS international geophysical calendar for 1966
IUWDS international geophysical calendar for 1967iation pattern having five clear peaks.
IUWDS International geophysical calendar for 1968
IV Cassiopeiae: a Probable Photometric Triple Star
IV Yugoslav-Belarussian Symposium on Physics and Diagnostics of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasma
IV-VI resonant cavity enhanced photodetectors for the midinfrared
IV. The Parallax of 611 Cygni, deduced from the Rutherfurd Photographic Measures
IV. The Rutherfurd Photographic Measures of the Group of the Pleiades.
iv. The viscosity of non-newtonian fluids
IV. Unruh Effect, Spin Polarisation and the Derbenev-Kondratenko Formalism
IV: Critical Measurements for the Future
IV: GEODESY: Remarks on the Role of Height Datum in Altimetry-Gravimetry Boundary-Value Problems
IVA Irons: New Data Set, Lower Solid/Liquid Partition Ratios than in Group IIIAB