Gyroresonance Radiation Produced by Proton and Electron Beams in Different Regions of the Magnetosphere
Gyroresonant acceleration of electrons in the magnetosphere by superluminous electromagnetic waves
Gyroresonant wave-particle interactions in a dynamic magnetosphere
Gyros as geometry of the standard model
Gyroscope Deviation from Geodesic Motion
Gyroscope on Polar Orbit in the Kerr Field
Gyroscope-weighing experiment with a null result
Gyroscopes and gravitational waves
Gyroscopes, gas and go-aheads
Gyroscopic Classical and Quantum Oscillators interacting with Heat Baths
Gyroscopic effects in interference of matter waves
Gyroscopic motion and aberration in stationary fields
Gyroscopic motion of superfluid trapped atomic condensates
Gyroscopic Precession and Centrifugal Force in the Ernst Spacetime
Gyroscopic precession and centrifugal force in the Ernst spacetime.
Gyroscopic precession and inertial forces in the Kerr - Newman spacetime
Gyroscopic stabilization of a space vehicle at the entry into the atmosphere.
Gyroscopic waves in the Mediterranean Sea
Gyrosonics a Novel Stimulant for Autonomic Nervous System
Gyrosynchrotron emission - Generalizations of Petrosian's method