Guide to scientific and technical writing
Guide to scientific instruments 1973 - 1974.
Guide to scientific instruments, 1972 - 73.
Guide to scientific instruments.
Guide to the English Editing at Astronomy & Astrophysics
Guide to the Interpretation of Crustal Refraction Profiles
Guide to the Moon
Guide to the photo
Guide to the Universe
Guide to the use of Mariner images
Guide to transverse projections and mass-constraining variables
Guide to `New Names of Minor Planets'
Guided atom laser : a new tool for guided atom optics
Guided atom laser: transverse mode quality and longitudinal momentum distribution
Guided Dispersion Characteristics of Subwavelength Nanoscale Plasmonic Coaxial Lines
Guided echoes in the magnetosphere: Observations by Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE
Guided magnetospheric propagation of Alfven waves in the Pc 4-5 frequency range
Guided Modes in Negative Refractive Index Waveguides
Guided modes in the vicinity of the earth's geomagnetic current sheet
Guided Modes of Elliptical Metamaterial Waveguides