E(5), X(5), and Prolate to Oblate Shape Phase Transitions in Relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov Theory
E(7(7)) and d=11 supergravity
E(7) Symmetric Area of the Black Hole Horizon
e+ e- -> t anti-t H including decays: on the size of background contributions
E+ E- -> Tau+ Tau- at the Threshold and Beyond
e+ e- Annihilation into Hadrons at LEP2 in the Presence of the Anomalous DESY Positron-Jet Event Phenomenon
e+ e- Cross Section and Exclusion of Massless Electroweak Gauginos
e+ e- pairs from pi- A reactions
E+A galaxies in Cl0939+472 (Belloni+, 1995)
E+A galaxies in intermediate redshift clusters
e+A physics at a future Electron-Ion Collider
e+e- --> e+e- pi0 pi0 at Daphne
e+e- --> H+ e- nubar in the two-Higgs-doublet model
e+e- --> nu nu-bar A in the two-Higgs-doublet model
e+e- -> 6 jets in parton level QCD at LEP1, LEP2 and NLC
e+e- -> pi+pi-e+e-: a potential background for sigma(e+e- -> pi+pi-) measurement via radiative return method
e+e- annihilation to (pi0 pi0 gamma) and (pi0 eta gamma) as a source of information on scalar and vector mesons
e+e- pair production from nucleon targets in the resonance region
e+e- pair production from nucleon targets in the resonance region
e+e- pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at intermediate impact parameters