Cyg X-1-Upper limit on hard X-ray pulsations
CYG X-3, an ultrahigh-energy gamma pulsar with a period of 9.22 MS
Cyg X-3-Model for the second radio outburst
Cyg X-3-Periodic variations observed by OSO-7
Cygnus A 50 years on: torus, outflows and supermassive black hole
Cygnus A: De steen van Rosetta van de radiosterrenstelsels.
Cygnus Loop and Some Related Nebulosities
Cygnus Loop Revisited / Radio and Optical Images
Cygnus Loop Shocker
Cygnus OB2 region 610MHz sources (Marti+, 2007)
Cygnus OB2: A Laboratory for Massive Binaries, Runaway Stars, and Triggered Star Formation
Cygnus Sampler - Part II
Cygnus Supernova Remnant
Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 and the SN of A.D. 1408.
Cygnus X-1 in the High State
Cygnus X-1 Viewed Outside of its Secondary's Wind
Cygnus X-1-a Spectroscopic Binary with a Heavy Companion ?
Cygnus X-1-Model for the X-ray emission