Cyclotron Maser Radiation from Astrophysical Shocks
Cyclotron maser radiation from magnetized plasmas
Cyclotron maser radiation from planetary magnetospheres (abstract)
Cyclotron motion and magnetic focusing in semiconductor quantum wells with spin-orbit coupling
Cyclotron motion in graphene
Cyclotron motion in the vicinity of a Lifshitz transition in graphite
Cyclotron motion of a quantized vortex in a superfluid
Cyclotron radiation and emission in graphene
Cyclotron radiation from electron streams as the origin of solar type I noise storms
Cyclotron Radiation from Jupiter
Cyclotron radiation in astrophysics (review)
Cyclotron radiation scattering by plasma in a strongly nonuniform magnetic field
Cyclotron radio emission in plasma with steep temperature gradient
Cyclotron resonance absorption in ionospheric plasma
Cyclotron resonance and Faraday rotation in graphite
Cyclotron resonance and inelastic light scattering in semiconductor quantum dots
Cyclotron resonance and mass enhancement by electron correlation in KFe$_2$As$_2$
Cyclotron Resonance Detectors for THz Frequencies
Cyclotron resonance effects on stochastic acceleration of light ionospheric ions
Cyclotron resonance harmonics in the ac response of a 2D electron gas with smooth disorder