A $Γ$-matrix generalization of the Kitaev model
A $κ$-Symmetry Calculus for Superparticles
A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories
A 'diamond-ring' lunar eclipse
A 'New Formula' to Provide the Compatibility between the Special Theory of Relativity (STR), Black Holes and Strings
A 'p-n' diode with hole and electron-doped lanthanum manganite
A 'soft electronic band' and the negative thermooptic effect in strontium titanate
A 'Source Surface Theory' Corollary: The Mean Solar Field-Interplanetary Field Correlation
A (0,2) Mirror Map
A (1+1) dimensional example of Quarkyonic matter
A (1+1)-Dimensional Reduced Model of Mesons
A (1,2) Heterotic String with Gauge Symmetry
A (16,8) Error Correcting Code (t=2) for Critical Memory Applications
A (2+1)-dimensional integrable spin model(the M-XXII equation) and Differential geometry of curves/surfaces
A (5,5) and (6,6) PPT edge state
A (7236;15) Box Code
A (Classical) Representation for a Spin-S Entity as a compound system in R^3 consisting of 2S Individual Spin-1/2 Entities
A (P)HMC algorithm for N_f = 2 + 1 + 1 flavours of twisted mass fermions
A (p,q) Deformation of the Universal Enveloping Superalgebra U(osp(2/2))
A (p,q)-deformed Landau problem in a spherical harmonic well: spectrum and noncommuting coordinates