A 1973 Gravimetric Geoid of Africa
A 1974 Tour of the Planets
A 1992 Eclipse Timing of the Long Period (5.61 Years) Eclipsing Binary EE Cephei
A 1993 Look at the Lower Bound on the Top Quark Mass from CP Violation
A 1996 Analysis of the CP Violating Ratio epsilon'/epsilon
A 19th-Century Astronomer. (Book Reviews: James E. Keeler)
A 19th-Century Astronomer. (Book Reviews: James E. Keeler)
A 19th-Century Figure. (Book Reviews: Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840)
A 1D Model for N-level Atoms Coupled to an EM Field
A 1d Traffic Model with Threshold Parameters
A 1H double-quantum-filtered NMR study of water in cement pastes
A 2 Loop 2PPI Analysis of $λφ^4$ at Finite Temperature
A 2 rebit gate universal for quantum computing
A 2 THz Heterodyne Array Receiver for SOFIA
A 2+1 REMPI Study of the E-X Transition in CO
A 2,326-year tree-ring record of climate variability on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
A 2- level of 8B and the 7Be(p,γ)8B /S factor
A 2-3 Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillations
A 2-adic approach of the human respiratory tree
A 2-component $μ$-Hunter-Saxton equation