2PI effective action for gauge theories: Renormalization
2PI functional techniques for abelian gauge theories
2PI functional techniques for gauge theories: QED
2PI nonequilibrium versus transport equations for an ultracold Bose gas
2PI renormalized effective action for gauge theories
2PI simulations in expanding backgrounds: Doing it anyway!
2S 0142+61.
2S Hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen
2s Hyperfine Structure in Hydrogen Atom and Helium-3 Ion
2S hyperfine structure of atomic deuterium
2sky 2.8, by Zerpec, Inc.
2SLAQ QSO clustering and the L-z degeneracy
2T Physics and Quantum Mechanics
2T Physics Formulation of Superconformal Dynamics Relating to Twistors and Supertwistors
2T Physics, Scale Invariance and Topological Vector Fields
2T-Physics 2001
2U 0328 -52-Identification of southern sky Uhuru X-ray source
2U0525-06-Possible identification with θ2 Orionis
2W/nm Peak-power All-Fiber Supercontinuum Source and its Application to the Characterization of Periodically Poled Nonlinear Crystals
2XMM Cool-Star Variability Survey: the 2XMM/Tycho Sample