1D goes 2D: A Kosterlitz Thouless transition in superconducting arrays of 4-Angstrom carbon nanotubes
1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation by Pickup Ions at Mars
1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation by Pickup Ions at Titan
1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Waves Near Io
1D Hybrid Simulations of Obliquely Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Io Plasma Torus
1D hybrid simulations of planetary ion-pickup: Energy partition
1D lattice dynamics of the diffusion limited reaction A+A->A+S: Transient behavior
1D lattice model for binary growth and surface relaxation
1D Lieb-Liniger Bose Gas as Non-Relativistic Limit of the Sinh-Gordon Model
1D Longitudinal Beam Dynamics of Laser Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
1D Luttinger liquid & QED
1D model for the dynamics and expansion of elongated Bose-Einstein condensates
1D model of precursors to frictional stick-slip motion allowing for robust comparison with experiments
1D multicomponent Fermions with delta function interaction in strong and weak coupling limits: $κ$-component Fermi gas
1D numerical relativity applied to neutron star collapse
1D Particle, 1D Field, 1D Interaction. Simple Exactly Solvable Models based on Finite Rank Perturbations Methods. III. Linear Friction as Radiation Reaction
1D periodic potentials with gaps vanishing at k=0
1D Potts, Yang-Lee Edges and Chaos
1D Quantum Liquids with Power-Law Interactions: a Luttinger Staircase with Polar Molecules
1D quantum models with correlated disorder vs. classical oscillators with coloured noise