Isospin in fragment production
Isospin in Reaction Dynamics. The Case of Dissipative Collisions at Fermi Energies
Isospin influences on particle emission and critical phenomenon in nuclear dissociation
Isospin Lattice Gas Model and Nuclear-Matter Phase Diagram and Pressure-Volume Isotherms
Isospin Lattice-Gas Model and Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
Isospin mixing and energy distributions in three-body decay
Isospin mixing and Fermi transitions: Selfconsistent deformed mean field calculations and beyond
Isospin mixing and the continuum coupling in weakly bound nuclei
Isospin mixing effects in low-energy $\bar{K}N - πΣ$ interaction
Isospin mixing in a particle-number conserving microscopic approach
Isospin mixing in nuclei around N=Z and the superallowed beta-decay
Isospin mixing in nuclei within the nuclear density functional theory
Isospin mixing in the nucleon and 4He and the nucleon strange electric form factor
Isospin mixing in the vicinity of the N=Z line
Isospin mixing of isospin-projected Slater determinants: formalism and preliminary applications
Isospin mixing, Fermi transitions and signatures of nuclear deformation within a mean field approach
Isospin mode splitting and mixing in asymmetric nuclear matter
Isospin non-equilibrium in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies
Isospin Recoupling and Bose-Einstein Pion Correlations in Nucleon-Antinucleon Annihilations