Isolated States
Isomer residual ratio of odd-odd isotope 180Ta in supernova nucleosynthsis
Isomer-to-isomer beta decay of 180Hfm and the nucleosynthesis of 180Tam
Isomeric 0- halo-states in 12Be and 11Li
Isomeric and hyperdeformed states at high spin for light nuclei
Isomeric cross sections of fast-neutron induced reactions on $^{197}$Au
Isomeric levels in 180Lu and the nucleosynthesis of 180Tam
Isoscalar compression modes in relativistic random phase approximation
Isoscalar dipole coherence at low energies and forbidden E1 strength
Isoscalar dipole mode in relativistic random phase approximation
Isoscalar dipole resonance: Form factor and energy weighted sum rule
Isoscalar dipole strength in ^{208}_{82}Pb_{126}: the spurious mode and the strength in the continuum
Isoscalar g Factors of Even-Even and Odd-Odd Nuclei
Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance and Nuclear Matter Incompressibility Coefficient
Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonances in Spherical Nuclei - Macroscopic Description
Isoscalar giant monopole resonance and its overtone in microscopic and macroscopic models
Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance State in the Relativistic Approach with the Momentum-Dependent Self-Energies
Isoscalar giant resonances in the Sn nuclei and implications for the asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility
Isoscalar Hamiltonians for light atomic nuclei
Isoscalar M1 and E2 Amplitudes in n+p -> d+gamma