1/N_c and 1/n preasymptotic corrections to Current-Current correlators
1/N_c and epsilon'/epsilon
1/N_c Corrections in Meson-Baryon Scattering
1/N_c Corrections to the Hadronic Matrix Elements of Q_6 and Q_8 in K --> pi pi Decays
1/N_c corrections to the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum
1/N_c expansion for the partition function in four fermion models
1/N_c Expansion of the Heavy Baryon Isgur-Wise Functions
1/q^2 Corrections and Gauge/String Duality
1/Q^2 corrections in DIS fragmentation functions
1/Q^2 terms and Landau singularity
1/R multidimensional gravity with form-fields: stabilization of extra dimensions, cosmic acceleration and domain walls
10 = 6 + 4
10 D Euclidean dynamical triangulations
10 D Euclidean quantum gravity on the lattice
10d N=1 Massless BPS supermultiplets
11-dimensional curved backgrounds for supermembrane in superspace
11-Dimensional Supergravity Compactified on Calabi-Yau Threefolds
11d Electric-Magnetic Duality and the Dbrane Spectrum
11D Supergravity as a gauge theory for the M-algebra
11D supergravity at ${\cal O}(l^3)$