1/2 BPS Geometries of M2 Giant Gravitons
1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS Equations in SUSY Yang-Mills-Higgs Systems -- Field Theoretical Brane Configurations --
1/2-BPS Correlators as c=1 S-matrix
1/2-BPS states in M theory and defects in the dual CFTs
1/2-BPS Wilson Loops and Vortices in ABJM Model
1/4 BPS circular loops, unstable world-sheet instantons and the matrix model
1/4 BPS Dyonic Calorons
1/4 BPS solutions in massive IIA supergravity
1/4 BPS States and Non-Perturbative Couplings in N=4 String Theories
1/4 BPS String Junctions and $N^3$ Problem in 6-dim (2,0) Superconformal Theories
1/4 Partial Breaking of Global Supersymmetry and New Superparticle Actions
1/4 PBGS and Superparticle Actions
1/4-BPS M-theory bubbles with SO(3) x SO(4) symmetry
1/4-BPS states on noncommutative tori
1/8 BPS black hole composites
1/8 BPS States in Ads/CFT
1/J corrections to semiclassical AdS/CFT states from quantum Landau-Lifshitz model
1/J^2 corrections to BMN energies from the quantum long range Landau-Lifshitz model
1/M correction to quenched QCD with non-zero baryon density
1/M Corrections to Baryonic Form Factors in the Quark Model