|V_ub| and |V_cb| from CLEO
α_S from LEP
ΔG/G results from the COMPASS experiment for Q^2 > 1 GeV^2, using high p_T hadrons
ΔM_W < 10 MeV/c^2 at the LHC: a forlorn hope?
ΔηΔφ angular correlations in pp collisions at the LHC registered by the ALICE experiment
μ{\to}eγ and μ{\to}eee Status and perspectives
π0 and the T2K Experiment
π^0 π^0 Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Tp=1.4 GeV
σ(e^+ e^- \to hadrons)$ at low energy: experimental status and prospects for the future. Its influence on $α_{QED}(M^2_{Z})$ and $(g-2)_μ$
τlepton decays and CVC
Υ(5S) Results from Belle: Strange Beauty and Other Beasts
ψ(2S) Decays into $\J$ plus Two Photons