Time dependent measurements of the CKM angle Gamma at LHCb
Time Resolution and Linearity Measurements for a Scintillating Fiber Detector Instrumented with VLPC's
Time variations in the deep underground muon flux
Time-dependent amplitude analysis of B0 --> K0S pi+ pi-
Time-Dependent Analysis of the Decay B0 --> rho0 rho0
Time-dependent and time-integrated angular analysis of $B\toφ K^0_Sπ^0$ and $φK^\pmπ^\mp$
Time-dependent angular analyses of B decays
Time-dependent angular analysis of the decays $B_{d}^{0}\to J/ψ K^{*0}$ and $B_{s}^{0}\to J/ψφ$
Time-dependent CP Asymmetries in $B^0\to K^0_Sρ^0γ$ Decays
Time-Dependent CP Asymmetries in b --> s qbar q Transitions and sin2phi1 in B0 --> J/psi K0 Decays with 386 Million BBbar Pairs
Time-Dependent CP Asymmetries in B0 -> Ks Pi0 gamma transition
Time-Dependent CP Asymmetries in B0 -> Ks pi0 gamma transitions
Time-dependent CP asymmetries in Bs decays at LHCb
Time-Dependent CP Violation Effects in Partially Reconstructed $B^0 \to D^* π$ Decays
Time-Dependent CP-Violating Asymmetries in b -> s qbar q Transitions
Time-dependent CP-violation parameters in B0->eta' K0 decay
Time-dependent Dalitz Plot Analysis of B0 --> Ks pi+ pi-
Time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B0 -> D-(+) K0 Pi+(-) decays
Time-dependent Dalitz Plot Measurement of CP Parameters in B0 --> Ks Pi+ Pi- Decays
Time-dependent \g/$φ_3$ measurements by Babar