The scalar kappa from D+ -> K- pi+ pi+: Further Studies
The Scale Dependence of the Hadron Multiplicity in Quark and Gluon Jets and a Precise Determination of $C_{A}/C_{F}$
The scanning Compton polarimeter for the SLD experiment
The scattering of muons in low Z materials
The Scientific Need for a Scalar/Higgs Factory
The Search and Study of Low-mass Scalar Mesons in the Reaction $np --> npπ^+π^-$ at Pn=3.83 Gev/c
The Search and Study of Low-Mass Scalar Mesons in the Reaction np --> np Pi+Pi- at Pn = 5.20 Gev/c^2
The Search and Study of the Baryonic Resonances with the Strangeness S = +1 in the System of nK+ from the Reaction np -> npK+K- at the Momentum of Incident Neutrons Pn = (5.20+/-0.12)GeV/c
The Search for $ν_μ\to ν_e$ Oscillations at MiniBooNE
The Search for CP Violation in Hyperon Decays
The Search for eta(1440) --> K^0_S K^pm π^mp in Two-Photon Fusion at CLEO
The Search for Exotic Mesons in gamma p -> pi+pi+pi-n with CLAS at Jefferson Lab
The Search for Fractional Charge Elementary Particles and Very Massive Particles in Bulk Matter
The search for Higgs particles at LEP
The search for n-nbar oscillation in Super-Kamiokande I
The Search for Neutrino Oscillations numubar->nuebar with KARMEN
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay
The Search for Pentaquark Baryon with Hidden Strangeness
The search for solar axions in the CAST experiment
The Search for Stable, Massive, Elementary Particles