The PANDA Experiment at FAIR
The Parameterized Simulation of Electromagnetic Showers in Homogeneous and Sampling Calorimeters
The Parton Content of the Photon
The Partonic Structure of the Quasi-Real Photon
The phase of the sigma -> pi-pi amplitude in J/Psi -> omega-pi-pi
The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
The Photon Structure from Deep Inelastic Electron-Photon Scattering
The photon structure function measurements from LEP
The Photoproduction of the $b_1(1235)π$ System
The Physical Significance of Confidence Intervals
The Physics Case for Extended Tevatron Running
The Physics Case for Polarized Protons at HERA
The physics case of DAFNE-2
The Physics Case Of The SuperB Facility
The physics goals of the TESLA project
The Physics of ALICE HLT Trigger Modes
The Physics of Charm: Recent Experimental Results
The Physics of DAFNE and KLOE
The Physics of Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
The Physics of Heavy Flavours at SuperB