The Next Round of Hadronic Generator Tuning Heavily Based on Identified Particle Data
The Nuclear Emulsion Technology and the Analysis of the OPERA Experiment Data
The NuMI Beam at FNAL and its use for Cross Section Measurements
The NuMI Hadronic Hose
The NuMI Neutrino Beam and Potential for an Off-Axis Experiment
The NuMI Neutrino Beam at Fermilab
The Observation of a Shadow of the Moon in the Underground muon flux in the Soudan 2 detector
The observation of collective effects in central C-Ne and C-Cu collisions at a momentum of 4.5 GeV/c per nucleon
The Observation of Exotic Resonances for $Λγ $,$Λπ^{\pm}$,$Λπ^+π^-$, $Λp$, $Λpp$ and $p γ$ Spectra in p + a Collision at 10 Gev/c
The Observation of Multi-Quark Strange Metastable and Stable States
The Observation of Up-going Charged Particles Produced by High Energy Muons in Underground Detectors
The Observed Correlations for the Strange Multibaryon States in Systems with $Λ$-Hyperon from pa Collision at Momentum of 10 Gev/$c$
The onset of the anomalous J/psi suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN SPS
The OPERA Experiment
The OPERA experiment
The OPERA experiment: a direct search of the $ν_μ\longrightarrow ν_τ$ oscillations
The OPERA experiment: on the way to the direct observation of $ν_μ \to ν_τ$ oscillation
The OPERA experiment: Preliminary results from the 2008 run
The OPERA Long Baseline Experiment: Status and First Results
The overview of the spin physics at RHIC-PHENIX experiment