The Hadron Hose: Continuous Toroidal Focusing for Conventional Neutrino Beams
The Hadronic Final States in Deep Inelastic $eγ$ Scattering at a Future e^+e^- Linear Collider
The Hadronic Picture of the Photon
The Hadronic Transitions $Upsilon(2S)\to Upsilon(1S)$
The HBOM Method for Unfolding Detector Effects
The helicity amplitudes A$_{1/2}$ and A$_{3/2}$ for the D$_{13}(1520)$ resonance obtained from the $\vecγ \vec{p} \to p π^0$ reaction}
The HERA challenges for LHC
The HERA-B Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter
The HERMES Back Drift Chambers
The HERMES Spectrometer
The Higgs discovery potential of ATLAS
The HLMA project: determination of high delta-m^2 LMA mixing parameters and constraint on |U_e3| with a new reactor neutrino experiment
The hunt for theta13 at the Daya Bay nuclear power plant
The ICARUS 50 l LAr TPC in the CERN Nu Beam
The ICARUS Experiment, A Second-Generation Proton Decay Experiment and Neutrino Observatory at the Gran Sasso Laboratory
The Igex 76ge Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment: Prospects for Next Generation Experiments
The impact of SuperB on flavour physics
The Inclusive Decays $B\to D X$ and $B\to D^* X$
The Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pbar-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV
The Inclusive Jet Cross Section in ppbar Collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV using the kT Algorithm