The extended-track reconstruction for MiniBooNE
The f2(1565) in pbar-p -> (omega-omega)pizero interactions at rest
The final measurement of $ε'ε$ by NA48
The Final Measurement of Epsilon'/Epsilon from KTeV
The Final Measurement of Epsilon'/Epsilon from KTeV
The final SLD results for ALR and Alepton
The First Cold Antihydrogen
The first determination of Generalized Polarizabilities of the proton by a Virtual Compton Scattering experiment
The first measurement of the top quark mass at CDF II in the lepton+jets and dilepton channels simultaneously
The first observation of $τ^{\pm} \to φK^{\pm} ν$ decay
The first physics results from BaBar
The first polarized Proton Collisions at the STAR experiment at RHIC
The first result of the neutrino magnetic moment measurement in the GEMMA experiment
The First Results of K2K long-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
The First RHIC Spin Run - at PHENIX and PP2PP
The First Stage of Polarization Program Spascharm at the Accelerator U-70 of Ihep
The First Year at LHC: Diffractive Physics
The First Year IceCube-DeepCore Results
The first year of Borexino
The first year of the BABAR experiment at PEP-II