The e+e- -> Z gamma gamma -> q q gamma gamma Reaction at LEP and Constraints on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings
The e/h Method of Energy Reconstruction for Combined Calorimeter
The e/h ratio of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter
The E6 inspired isosinglet quark and the Higgs boson
The E791 Parallel Architecture Data Acquisition System
The Electronics and Data Acquisition Systems of a CsI(Tl) Scintillating Crystal Detector for Low Energy Neutrino Experiment
The energy dependence of the pp->K+ n Sigma+ reaction close to threshold
The estimation of neutrino fluxes produced by proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=14$ TeV of the LHC
The Estimation of the Effective Centre of Mass Energy in q-qbar-gamma Events from DELPHI
The Event as an Object-Relational Database: Avoiding the Dependency Nightmare
The excess of positive charges and the leading particles in DIS at HERA
The exotic eta'pi- Wave in 190 GeV pi-p --> pi-eta'p at COMPASS
The expected background spectrum in NaI dark matter detectors and the DAMA result
The Experiment Road to the Heavier Quarks and Other Heavy Objects
The experimental feature on the data of the primary proton identification in stratospheric X-ray emulsion chambers at energies >10 TeV (RUNJOB experiment)
The experimental future of Neutrino Oscillations
The experimental review of B -> D^(*) tau nu decays
The Experimental Search for Pentaquark
The Experimental Status of Glueballs
The Experimental Status of the Standard Electroweak Model at the End of the LEP-SLC Era