The Design and Performance of the ZEUS Central Tracking Detector z-by-Timing System
The detection of neutrino interactions in the emulsion/lead target of the OPERA experiment
The Detector and Interaction Region for a Photon Collider at TESLA
The Deuteron Spin-dependent Structure Function g1d and its First Moment
The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS
The diffractive structure function at the Tevatron: CDF results
The Dijet Mass Spectrum and a Search for Quark Compositeness in bar{p}p Collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV
The Discovery of Neutrino Masses
The discovery of the top quark
The Discovery Potential of Supersymmetry at CMS within the mSUGRA Model Using Same-Sign Di-Muons
The discovery potential of the second-lightest neutralino in mSUGRA in the tau-channel at high tan(b) at the LHC
The DISTO Data Acquisition System at SATURNE
The DISTO First Level Trigger at SATURNE
The Double Chooz Experiment
The Double Chooz Experiment
The Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment
The doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay $D^+\to K^+ π^- π^+$
The Drift Chambers Of The Nomad Experiment
The e p -> e' p eta reaction at and above the S11(1535) baryon resonance
The e+ e- --> 3(pi+pi-), 2(pi+pi-pi0) and K+K- 2(pi+pi-) Cross Sections at Center-of-Mass Energies from Production Threshold to 4.5 GeV Measured with Initial-State Radiation