The Completion of Single-Spin Asymmetry Measurements at the Proza Setup
The Concurrent Track Evolution Algorithm: Extension for Track Finding in the Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field of the HERA-B Spectrometer
The Construction of the BESIII Experiment
The Contribution of One-Photon Annihilation at psi(2S) in e+e- Experiment
The covalent bond in Particle Spectroscopy
The CRESST Dark Matter Search
The CRESST Experiment: Recent Results and Prospects
The crucial role of CLEO-c in the measurement of gamma
The current status of neutrino mixing
The D0 Detector at TeV33
The D0 Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron in Run 2
The D0 Detector for Run II
The D0 Detector Upgrade and Physics Program
The D0 Run II Detector and Physics Prospects
The D0 Run IIb Luminosity Measurement
The DAEdALUS Experiment
The DAEδALUS Project: Rationale and Beam Requirements
The DELPHI Silicon Tracker in the global pattern recognition
The dependence of dijet production on photon virtuality in ep collisions at HERA
The Design and Performance of the MINERvA Detector