Review on new Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Reviewing the Evidence for Pentaquarks
Revisiting the 'LSND anomaly' I: impact of new data
Revisiting the 'LSND anomaly' II: critique of the data analysis
Reweighting of the form factors in exclusive B --> X ell nu decays
RFQD - a Decelerating Radio Frequency Quadrupole for the CERN Antiproton Facility
RHIC Spin Physics
Rho^0 meson production in the pp ->pppi+pi- reaction at 3.67 GeV/c
Rising Total Hadron-Hadron Cross Sections
Roadmap for selected key measurements of LHCb
Role of Neural Networks in the Search of the Higgs Boson at LHC
Round Table Discussion at the Final Session of FPCP 2008: The Future of Flavor Physics and CP
Run II Diffractive Measurements at CDF
Run II Jet Physics: Proceedings of the Run II QCD and Weak Boson Physics Workshop
Run II Searches for Supersymmetry
Running Nuwro
Running of the QED coupling in small-angle Bhabha scattering at LEP