Prospect of D0 mixing and CPV at LHCb
Prospects for $φ$ meson production in pp collisions at the ALICE experiment
Prospects for (non-SUSY) new physics with first LHC data
Prospects for a direct dark matter search using high resistivity CCD detectors
Prospects for Antineutrino Running at MiniBooNE
Prospects for Antiproton Experiments at Fermilab
Prospects for Charm CP Violation Studies in BTeV
Prospects for Colliders and Collider Physics to the 1 PeV Energy Scale
Prospects for CP-violation searches in the future experiment with RF-separated K+/- beam at U-70
Prospects for Diffractive Physics with the CDF Forward Detectors at the Tevatron
Prospects for discovering new gauge bosons, extra dimensions and contact interaction at the LHC
Prospects for e+e- physics at Frascati between the phi and the psi
Prospects for early top anti-top resonance searches in ATLAS
Prospects for Electroweak Measurements at the LHC
Prospects for F_L^D Measurements at HERA-II
Prospects for gamma measurements at LHCb
Prospects for HERMES Run II
Prospects for Higgs Search at D0
Prospects for Higgs Searches via VBF at the LHC with Atlas
Prospects for KLOE-2