Open charm production at HERA
Open Charm Production at HERA
Open Heavy Flavor Production in Deeply Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
Open Heavy Flavor Production in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt(s)= 200$ GeV
Open Heavy Flavor Production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions as seen by ALICE at the LHC
Open Heavy Flavour Production at HERA
Open strangeness threshold production at COSY-11
OpenMosix approach to build scalable HPC farms with an easy management infrastructure
OPERA first events from the CNGS neutrino beam
OPERA: waiting for the tau
Opposite-side flavour tagging of B mesons at the LHCb experiment
Optical production and detection of dark matter candidates
Optical Properties of the DIRC Fused Silica Cherenkov Radiator
Optics: general-purpose scintillator light response simulation code
Optimal use of Information for Measuring $M_t$ in Lepton+jets $t\bar{t}$ Events
Optimisation of variables for studying dilepton transverse momentum distributions at hadron colliders
Optimization of crystal extraction experiment
Optimization of drift gases for accuracy in pressurized drift tubes
Optimization of the parameters in the RHIC single crystal heavy ion collimation