Momentum Spectra in the Current Region of the Breit Frame in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Momentum tensors of second and third rank, as tools for jets' analysis
Monocular UHECR Spectra as Measured by HiRes
MONOLITH: a next generation experiment for athospheric neutrinos
Monte Carlo for top background at the Tevatron
Monte Carlo Simulations for Top Pair and Single Top Production at the Tevatron
Monte Carlo Studies of a Novel LiF Radiator for RICH Detectors
Monte Carlo Study of the abBA Experiment: Detector Response and Physics Analysis
Monte-Carlo Generator Photon Jets for the process e+e- -> gamma gamma
Monte-Carlo Simulation for an Aerogel Cherenkov Counter
Moon and Sun Shadowing Observed by the MACRO Detector
MSSM Higgs searches with tau lepton final states in CMS
MSSM SUGRA searches at LEP
MSSM SUSY Searches at LEP2
MSSM SUSY Searches at LEP2
MSSM, Msugra and the LSP at LEPII
MuLan: Towards a 1ppm muon lifetime measurement
Mulit-Photon Events with Large Missing energy in e+e- collisions at sqrt(s)=192-209 GeV
Multi Jet Production at High Q2
Multi-boson production