Model Independent Search at the D0 experiment
Model independent search for new phenomena in pp(bar) collisions at sqrt(s) =1.96 TeV
Model Independent Search For New Physics At The Tevatron
Model Independent Searches for New Physics at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider
Model Independent Searches In ep Collisions
Model independent WIMP Searches in full Simulation of the ILD Detector
Model of charge transport in Semi-Insulating Undoped GaAs microstrip detectors
Model Unspecific Search for New Physics in CMS with 2010 LHC Data
Model Unspecific Search in CMS
Model-Independent and Quasi-Model-Independent Search for New Physics at CDF
Model-independent determination of the strong-phase difference between D^0 and D^0-bar-> K^0_S,L h^+ h^- (h=pi,K) and its impact on the measurement of the CKM angle gamma/phi_3
Model-Independent Global Search for New High-pT Physics at CDF
Model-independent measurement of $\boldsymbol{t}$-channel single top quark production in $\boldsymbol{p\bar{p}}$ collisions at $\boldsymbol{\sqrt{s}=1.96}$ TeV
Model-independent results for the decay B+ -> l+ nu gamma at BABAR
Model-independent search for the decay B -> l nu gamma
Model-independent WIMP Characterisation using ISR
Model-independent WIMP Searches at the ILC
Modeling Atmospheric Neutrino Interactions: Duality Constrained Parameterization of Vector and Axial Nucleon Form Factors
Modeling Deep Inelastic Cross Sections in the Few GeV Region
Modeling missing transverse energy in V+jets at CERN LHC