Minimum Bias Triggers at ATLAS, LHC
Minimum-Bias and Early QCD Physics in ALICE
Minimum-Bias and Underlying Event Studies at CMS
Minireview of Leptoquark Searches
MINOS neutrino oscillation results
MINOS Observations of Shadowing in the Muon Flux Underground
MINOS Results, Progress and Future Prospects
MINOS Search for Sterile Neutrinos
Mixing and CP Violation at the Tevatron
Mixing and CP Violation in Decays of Charm Mesons
Mixing and CP Violation in the Decay of Neutral D Mesons at CLEO
Mixing and CP-Violation Measurements of $B^0$ Mesons from the Tevatron Collider
Mixing and CP-violation studies in charm decays at LHCb
Mixing in the D0 - D0bar system at BaBar
Mixing in the D0 system - Results from collider experiments
Mixings, Lifetimes, Spectroscopy and Production of Heavy Flavor at the Tevatron
MLLA Parton Spectra Compared to ARIADNE
Model Independent Extra-dimension signatures with ATLAS
Model Independent Measurement of Form Factors in the Decay D^+ --> K^- pi^+ e^+ nu_e
Model Independent Measurement of \swave $K^{-}π^{+}$ systems using $\Dp\to Kππ$ Decays from Fermilab E791