Extraction of F_2^c(x,Q^2) from D* cross sections at H1
Extraction of Kaon Formfactors from K^- -> mu^- nu_mu gamma Decay at ISTRA+ Setup
Extraction of R = sigma_L/sigma_T from CCFR nu_mu-Fe and nubar_mu-Fe differential cross sections
Extraction of R=sigma_L/sigma_T from CCFR Neutrino and Antinetrino Differential Cross Sections
Extraction of the Axial Nucleon Form Factor from Neutrino Experiments on Deuterium
Extraction of the b-quark shape function parameters using the Belle B->X_s gamma photon energy spectrum
Extraction of the Pomeron Trajectory from a Global Fit to Exclusive $ρ^0$ Meson Photoproduction Data
Extraction of the Width of the W Boson from Measurements of sigma(ppbar->W+X)B(W->e nu) and sigma(ppbar->Z+X)B(Z->e e) and their Ratio
Extraction of α_s and constraint on the Higgs mass from Electroweak fits at the Z resonance
Extrapolation of Multiplicity distribution in p+p(\bar(p)) collisions to LHC energies
e^+e^- Annihilations into Quasi-two-body Final States at 10.58 GeV
e^+e^- Physics at LEP and a Future Linear Collider