A General Search for New Phenomena at HERA
A General Search for New Phenomena at HERA
A General Search for New Phenomena in e-p Scattering at HERA
A general search for new phenomena in ep scattering at HERA
A Global Event Description using Particle Flow with the CMS Detector
A GRID solution for Gravitational Waves Signal Analysis from Coalescing Binaries: preliminary algorithms and tests
A Hierarchical NeuroBayes-based Algorithm for Full Reconstruction of B Mesons at B Factories
A High Intensity Linear e+ e- Collider Facility at Low Energy
A High Luminosity e+e- Collider in the LHC tunnel to study the Higgs Boson
A High Precision Reactor Neutrino Detector for the Double Chooz Experiment
A High Resolution Neutrino Experiment in a Magnetic Field for Project-X at Fermilab
A High Sensitivity Search for $\barν_{e}$'s from the Sun and Other Sources at KamLAND
A High Statistics Measurement of the Lambdac+ Lifetime
A High Statistics Search for Electron-Neutrino --> Tau-Neutrino Oscillations
A High Statistics Search for muon-neutrino(anti-muon-neutrino) ---> electron-neutrino(anti-electron-neutrino) Oscillations in the Small Mixing Angle Regime
A High Statistics Study of the Decay tau- -> pi- pi0 nu
A High-Precision Measurement of the Di-Electron Widths of the Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) Mesons at CLEO-III
A High-Precision Measurement of the Left-Right Z Boson Cross-Section Asymmetry
A High-Pt Trigger for the HERA-B Experiment
A high-Q^2 measurement of the photon structure function F_2^gamma at LEP2