A direct Measurement of the W Boson Width in ppbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV
A direct measurement of W boson decay width
A Direct Search for Stable Magnetic Monopoles Produced in Positron-Proton Collisions at HERA
A direct search for the CP-violating decay Ks->3p^0 with the KLOE detector at DAFNE
A Discrimination Procedure between Muon and Electron in Superkamiokande Experiment Based on the Angular Distribution Function Method
A Disoriented Chiral Condensate Search at the Fermilab Tevatron
A Fast Hardware Tracker for the ATLAS Trigger System
A Fast High Resolution Track Trigger for the H1 Experiment
A feasibility experiment at RHIC to measure the analyzing power for Drell-Yan production (ANDY)
A first Design of the Pep-N Calorimeter
A First Mass Production of Gas Electron Multipliers
A First Measurement of Low x Low Q^2 Structure Functions in Neutrino Scattering
A first measurement of the interaction cross section of the tau neutrino
A First Measurement of the Tensor-Polarized Structure Function b1d
A Flavor of KLOE
A flavour-independent Higgs boson search in e+e- collisions at sqrt(s) up to 209GeV
A fresh look at eta2(1645), eta2(1870), eta2(2030) and f2(1910) in pbar-p -> eta + 3pizero
A Future Charm Facility
A Future High Statistics Charm Mixing Experiment Using the Fermilab Tevatron
A Gauge Model of Data Selection, Acquisition and Analysis for LHC