Universality in quantum chaos and the one parameter scaling theory
Universality in short-range Ising spin glasses
Universality in the level statistics of disordered systems
Universality in the off-equilibrium critical dynamics of the $3d$ diluted Ising model
Universality in the synchronization of weighted random networks
Universality in the vibrational spectra of weakly-disordered two-dimensional clusters
Universality in three-dimensional Ising spin glasses: A Monte Carlo study
Universality in three-dimensional Ising spin glasses: Nonequilibrium dynamics from Monte Carlo simulations
Universality of a family of Random Matrix Ensembles with logarithmic soft-confinement potentials
Universality of Anderson transition in two-dimensional systems of symplectic symmetry class
Universality of finite-size corrections to the number of critical percolation clusters
Universality of REM-like aging in mean field spin glasses
Universality of residence-time distributions in non-adiabatic stochastic resonance
Universality of S-matrix correlations for deterministic plus random Hamiltonians
Universality of the Anderson transition with the quasiperiodic kicked rotor
Universality of the critical conductance distribution in various dimensions
Universality of the Crossing Probability for the Potts Model for q=1,2,3,4
Universality of the Directed Polymer Model
Universality of the excess number of clusters and the crossing probability function in three-dimensional percolation
Universality of the glassy transitions in the two-dimensional +- J Ising model