Scale-Free Network of Earthquakes
Scale-Free Networks are Ultrasmall
Scale-Free Networks Emerging from Weighted Random Graphs
Scale-free networks in complex systems
Scale-free Networks on Lattices
Scale-free networks with a large- to hypersmall-world transition
Scale-free networks with self-growing weight
Scale-free networks with tunable degree distribution exponents
Scale-free Networks without Growth or Preferential Attachment: Good get Richer
Scale-free nonlinear conservative cascades and their stationary spectra
Scale-free properties of weighted networks with connectivity-driven topology
Scale-free topology of e-mail networks
Scale-invariant statistics of period in directed earthquake network
Scaling Analysis of Domain-Wall Free-Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass in a Magnetic Field
Scaling and chaos in periodic approximations to the two-dimensional Ising spin glass
Scaling and infrared divergences in the replica field theory of the Ising spin glass
Scaling and localization lengths of a topologically disordered system
Scaling and Renormalization Group in Replica Symmetry Breaking space: Evidence for a simple analytical solution of the SK model at zero temperature
Scaling and super-universality in the coarsening dynamics of the 3d random field Ising model
Scaling and the center of band anomaly in a one-dimensional Anderson model with diagonal disorder