Pattern-recalling processes in quantum Hopfield networks far from saturation
Patterns of consumption in a discrete choice model with asymmetric interactions
Patterns of link reciprocity in directed networks
Peculiarities of structural changes in Pd and Pd-alloys
Pentagonal puckering in a sheet of amorphous graphene
Penultimate fate of a dirty-Fermi-liquid
Perceptron capacity revisited: classification ability for correlated patterns
Percolation and Epidemic Thresholds in Clustered Networks
Percolation and finite size scaling in seven dimensions
Percolation and jamming in random sequential adsorption of linear segments on square lattice
Percolation and roughness in ballistic deposition of complex shapes
Percolation Critical Exponents in Scale-Free Networks
Percolation Enhanced Supersolids in the Extended Bose-Hubbard Model
Percolation fractal exponents without fractal geometry
Percolation in Directed Scale-Free Networks
Percolation in self-similar networks
Percolation in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass
Percolation in three-dimensional random field Ising magnets
Percolation of frozen order in glassy combinatorial problems
Percolation of the aligned dimers on a square lattice