Paramagnons, weak disorder and positive giant magnetoresistance
Parametrical Neural Network
Parametrization of the transfer matrix: for one-dimensional Anderson model with diagonal disorder
Parisi Phase in a Neuron
Parisi States in a Heisenberg Spin-Glass Model in Three Dimensions
Parisi-Symmetry of the Many-Body Quantum Theory of randomly interacting fermionic systems
Partial annealing of a coupled mean-field spin-glass model with an embedded pattern
Partial spin freezing in the quasi-two-dimensional La2(Cu,Li)O4
Partially and Fully Frustrated Coupled Oscillators With Random Pinning Fields
Partially asymmetric exclusion models with quenched disorder
Particle size effects in the antiferromagnetic spinel CoRh$_2$O$_4$
Particle-hole symmetric localization in two dimensions
Particle-hole symmetry and the dirty boson problem
Partition of Networks into Basins of Attraction
Partition-function zeros of spherical spin glasses and their relevance to chaos
Partitioning and modularity of graphs with arbitrary degree distribution
Partitioning Schemes and Non-Integer Box Sizes for the Box-Counting Algorithm in Multifractal Analysis
Path finding strategies in scale-free networks
Path Integral Approach to Strongly Nonlinear Composite
Path-integral approach to the dynamics in sparse random network