Numerical indications for the existence of a thermodynamic transition in binary glasses
Numerical Investigation of Glassy Dynamics in Low Density Systems
Numerical investigation of the thermodynamic limit for ground states in models with quenched disorder
Numerical investigations of scaling at the Anderson transition
Numerical renormalization group study of random transverse Ising models in one and two space dimensions
Numerical Replica Limit for the Density Correlation of the Random Dirac Fermion
Numerical Results for Ground States of Mean-Field Spin Glasses at low Connectivities
Numerical Results for Ground States of Spin Glasses on Bethe Lattices
Numerical Results for Spin Glass Ground States on Bethe Lattices: Gaussian Bonds
Numerical results for the Anderson transition. Comment
Numerical results for two interacting particles in a random environment
Numerical simulation evidence of spectrum rearrangement in impure graphene
Numerical Simulations of Finite Dimensional Spin Glasses Show a Mean Field like Behavior
Numerical simulations of liquids with amorphous boundary conditions
Numerical Simulations of Random Phase Sine-Gordon Model and Renormalization Group Predictions
Numerical Simulations of Spin Glass Systems
Numerical Simulations of the 4D Edwards-Anderson Spin Glass with Binary Couplings
Numerical Simulations of the Dynamical Behavior of the SK Model
Numerical Solution-Space Analysis of Satisfiability Problems
Numerical studies of a one-dimensional 3-spin spin-glass model with long-range interactions