Metastable states in disordered Ising magnets in mean-field approximation
Metastable States in Spin Glasses and Disordered Ferromagnets
Metastable states in ultrathin magnetic films
Metastable states of a ferromagnet on random thin graphs
Metastable states of spin glasses on random thin graphs
Metastates in the Hopfield model in the replica symmetric regime
Method for calculating one-exciton absorption spectrum of space-restricted lattices
Metric Features of a Dipolar Model
Micro-structure of damage in thermally activated fracture of Lennard-Jones systems
Microcanonical Analysis of Spin Glasses Using Gauge Symmetry
Microscopic activity patterns in the Naming Game
Microscopic derivation of self-consistent equations of Anderson localization in a disordered medium of finite size
Microscopic description of the low-temperature anomalies in silica and lithium silicate via computer simulations
Microscopic dynamics and relaxation processes in liquid Hydrogen Fluoride
Microscopic dynamics in liquid metals: the experimental point of view
Microscopic Dynamics of Hard Ellipsoids in their Liquid and Glassy Phase
Microscopic dynamics of molecular liquids and glasses: Role of orientations and translation-rotation coupling
Microscopic foundations of the Rayleigh law of hysteresis
Microscopic modeling of photoluminescence of strongly disordered semiconductors
Microscopic Models for Long Ranged Volatility Correlations