Mean Field Dynamical Exponents in Finite-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass
Mean Field Model of a Glass
Mean Field Theory For Non-Equilibrium Network Reconstruction
Mean Field Theory of Collective Transport with Phase Slips
Mean field theory of hard sphere glasses and jamming
Mean Field Theory of Sandpile Avalanches: from the Intermittent to the Continuous Flow Regime
Mean field theory of superglasses
Mean Field Theory of the Three-Dimensional Dipole Superspin Glasses
Mean field treatment of exclusion processes with random-force disorder
Mean First Hitting Time of Searching for Path Through Random Walks on Complex Networks
Mean Free Path in Disordered Multichannel Tight-Binding Wires
Mean Green's function of the Anderson model at weak disorder with an infra-red cut-off
Mean-Field Approximations to the Longest Common Subsequence Problem
Mean-field behavior of the negative-weight percolation model on random regular graphs
Mean-field description of ultracold Bosons on disordered two-dimensional optical lattices
Mean-field dynamics of sequence processing neural networks with finite connectivity
Mean-field glass transition in a model liquid
Mean-field glassy phase of the random field Ising model
Mean-field Monte Carlo Approach to the Dynamics of a One Pattern Model of Associative Memory
Mean-field solution of the Potts glass near the transition temperature to the ordered phase