Marginal States in Mean Field Glasses
Market ecology of active and passive investors
Martensitic Tweed and the Two-Way Shape-Memory Effect
Marvel Universe looks almost like a real social network
Matching between typical fluctuations and large deviations in disordered systems : application to the statistics of the ground state energy in the SK spin-glass model
Matching Kasteleyn Cities for Spin Glass Ground States
Mathematical aspects of mean field spin glass theory
Mathematics, Brain Modelling and Indian Concept of Mind
Matrix controlled channel diffusion of sodium in amorphous silica
Matrix Games, Mixed Strategies, and Statistical Mechanics
Matter Wave Transport and Anderson Localization in Anisotropic 3D Disorder
MaxEnt Queries and Sequential Sampling
Maximal entropy random networks with given degree distribution
Maximal nonsymmetric entropy leads naturally to Zipf's law
Maximum entropy and the problem of moments: A stable algorithm
Maximum matching on random graphs
Maximum Performance at Minimum Cost in Network Synchronization
Mean Field Analysis of Stochastic Neural Network Models with Synaptic Depression
Mean field and corrections for the Euclidean Minimum Matching problem
Mean Field Approximation in Bayesian Variable Selection