Magnetotransport of electrons in quantum Hall systems
Magnification Control in Self-Organizing Maps and Neural Gas
Magnification Control in Winner Relaxing Neural Gas
Magnitoelastic interaction and long-range magnetic ordering in two-dimesional ferromagnetics
Magnon delocalization in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated disorder
Magnon Localization in Mattis Glass
Majority-vote on directed Small-World networks
Majority-vote on undirected Barabasi-Albert networks
Managing catastrophic changes in a collective
Manifestation of ageing in the low temperature conductance of disordered insulators
Manifestation of photonic band structure in small clusters of spherical particles
Manifestation of the Roughness-Square-Gradient Scattering in Surface-Corrugated Waveguides
Many electron theory of 1/f-noise in hopping conductivity
Many-body localization transition in a lattice model of interacting fermions: statistics of renormalized hoppings in configuration space
Many-body theory of non-equilibrium systems
Many-Impurity Effects in Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
Mapping a depinning transition to polynuclear growth
Mapping from Architecture to Dynamics: A Unified View of Dynamical Processes on Networks
Marginal Pinning of Quenched Random Polymers
Marginal pinning of vortices at high temperature