More than two equally probable variants of signal in Kauffman networks as an important overlooked case, negative feedbacks allow life in chaos
Morphology of two dimensional fracture surface
Morphology transitions in three-dimensional domain growth with Gaussian random fields
Mosaic length and finite interaction-range effects in a one dimensional random energy model
Mosaic multi-state scenario vs. one-state description of supercooled liquids
Motional narrowing effect in certain random binary lattices
Motional narrowing effect in one-dimensional Frenkel chains with configurational disorder
Mott-Hubbard and Anderson metal-insulator transitions in correlated lattice fermions with binary disorder
Moving averages and markets inefficiency
Multi-Choice Minority Game
Multi-dimensional Density of States by Multicanonical Monte Carlo
Multi-overlap simulations of spin glasses
Multi-species grandcanonical models for networks with reciprocity
Multi-state epidemic processes on complex networks
Multi-State Image Restoration by Transmission of Bit-Decomposed Data
Multi-state neural networks based upon spin-glasses: a biased overview
Multi-Welled Tunneling Model for the Magnetic-Field Effect in Ultracold Glasses
Multibranch entrainment and slow evolution among branches in coupled oscillators
Multicritical Nishimori point in the phase diagram of the +- J Ising model on a square lattice
Multicritical point of spin glasses