Microscopic Motion of Particles Flowing through a Porous Medium
Microscopic Properties of Quantum Annealing -- Application to Fully Frustrated Ising Systems
Microscopic Reversibility, Space-Filling, and Internal Stress in Strong Glasses
Microscopic Theory of Heterogeneity and Non-Exponential Relaxations in Supercooled Liquids
Microscopic theory of the jamming transition of harmonic spheres
Microscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in one-dimensional localization
Microsimulations of Freeway Traffic Including Control Measures
Microstructure analysis of reconstructed porous media
Microwave realization of quasi one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
Migration volume for polaron dielectric relaxation in disordered materials
Millisecond Electron-Phonon Relaxation in Ultrathin Disordered Metal Films at Millikelvin Temperatures
Minimal conductivity of rippled graphene with topological disorder
Minimal Model for Disorder-induced Missing Moment of Inertia in Solid $^4$He
Minimal Multifractality in the Spectrum of a Quasiperiodic Hamiltonian
Minimal vertex covers on finite-connectivity random graphs - a hard-sphere lattice-gas picture
Minimization of Quadratic Binary Functional with Additive Connection Matrix
Minimizing energy below the glass thresholds
Minimum spanning trees on weighted scale-free networks
Minimum-Free-Energy Distribution of RNA Secondary Structures: Entropic and Thermodynamic Properties of Rare Events
Minority games with finite score memory