Low noise constant current source for bias dependent noise measurements
Low T Dynamical Properties of Spin Glasses Smoothly Extrapolate to T=0
Low temperature acoustic properties of amorphous silica and the Tunneling Model
Low Temperature Behavior of the Thermopower in Disordered Systems near the Anderson Transition
Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in amorphous solids induced by the nuclear quadrupole interaction
Low temperature dephasing saturation from elastic magnetic spin disorder and interactions
Low Temperature Mass Spectrum in the Ising Spin Glass
Low temperature nonequilibrium dynamics in transverse Ising spin glass
Low Temperature Phase of Asymmetric Spin Glass Model in Two Dimensions
Low Temperature Properties of the Random Field Potts Chain
Low temperature solution of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Low Temperature Specific Heat of some Quantum Mean Field glassy phases
Low temperature spin glass fluctuations: expanding around a spherical approximation
Low temperature universality in disordered solids
Low-dimensional chaos induced by frustration in a non-monotonic system
Low-energy excess of vibrational states in v-SiO2: the role of transverse dynamics
Low-energy excitations in fermionic spin glasses: A quantum-dynamical image of Parisi symmetry breaking
Low-energy excitations in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model
Low-energy fixed points of random Heisenberg models
Low-energy properties of two-dimensional magnetic nanostructures: interparticle interactions and disorder effects