Hyper-Raman scattering from vitreous boron oxide: coherent enhancement of the boson peak
Hyperbolic disordered ensembles of random matrices
Hypersound damping in vitreous silica measured by picosecond acoustics
Hysteresis and Avalanches in the Random Anisotropy Ising Model
Hysteresis and avalanches in the T=0 random-field Ising model with 2-spin-flip dynamics
Hysteresis and complexity in the zero-temperature mean-field RFIM: the soft-spin version
Hysteresis behavior of the random-field Ising model with 2-spin-flip dynamics: Exact results on a Bethe lattice
Hysteresis in an Ising model with mobile bonds
Hysteresis in Anti-Ferromagnetic Random-Field Ising Model at Zero Temperature
Hysteresis in the T=0 RFIM: beyond metastable dynamics
Hysteresis loop signatures of phase transitions in a mean-field model of disordered Ising magnet
Hysteresis mediated by a domain wall motion
Hysteresis properties at zero temperature in the Dipolar-Random Field Ising Model
Hysteresis, Avalanches, and Noise: Numerical Methods
Hysteretic Depinning of Anisotropic CDW
Hysteretic dynamics of domain walls at finite temperatures
Hysteretic memory effects in disordered magnets
Hysteretic Optimization
Hysteretic optimization for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass