Green function Retrieval and Time-reversal in a Disordered World
Green's function theory for a magnetic impurity layer in a ferromagnetic Ising film with transverse field
Green's Functions in Non-hermitian Random Matrix Models
Griffith Singularities and the Replica Instantons in the Random Ferromagnet
Griffiths Inequalities for Ising Spin Glasses on the Nishimori Line
Griffiths inequalities for the Gaussian spin glass
Griffiths phase manifestation in disordered dielectrics
Griffiths singularities and algebraic order in the exact solution of an Ising model on a fractal modular network
Griffiths singularity in the random Ising ferromagnet
Griffiths-McCoy singularities in random quantum spin chains: Exact results
Griffiths-McCoy Singularities in the Random Transverse-Field Ising Spin Chain
Griffiths-McCoy singularities in the transverse field Ising model on the randomly diluted square lattice
Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for a System of Randomly Interacting Cold Bosons
Ground State and Spin Glass Phase of the Large N Infinite Range Spin Glass Via Supersymmetry
Ground state non-universality in the random field Ising model
Ground state of the Bethe-lattice spin glass and running time of an exact optimization algorithm
Ground state properties of solid-on-solid models with disordered substrates
Ground state properties of the 2D disordered Hubbard model
Ground state structure of diluted antiferromagnets and random field systems
Ground State Structure of Random Magnets