Efficient routing on complex networks
Eigenmode analysis of the susceptibility matrix of the four-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model
Eigenmode of Decision-By-Majority Process on Complex Networks
Eigenvalue Distribution In The Self-Dual Non-Hermitian Ensemble
Eigenvalue distributions of large Euclidean random matrices for waves in random media
Eigenvalue method to compute the largest relaxation time of disordered systems
Eigenvalue repulsion estimates and some applications for the one-dimensional Anderson model
Eigenvector statistics in non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles
Eight orders of dynamical clusters and hard-spheres in the glass transition
Elastic collapse in disordered isostatic networks
Elastic constant dishomogeneity and $Q^2$ dependence of the broadening of the dynamical structure factor in disordered systems
Elastic flexibility, fast-ion conduction, boson and floppy modes in AgPO3-AgI glasses examined in Raman scattering, IR reflectance, MDSC, ac electrical conductivity and molar volume experiments
Elastic heterogeneity of soft random solids
Elastic manifolds in disordered environments: energy statistics
Elastic principal manifolds and their practical applications
Elastic properties of small-world spring networks
Elastic Scattering as a Cause of Quantum Dephasing: The Conductance of Two-Dimensional Imperfect Conductors
Elastic systems with correlated disorder: Response to tilt and application to surface growth
Elasticity near the vulcanization transition
Elasticity of a contact-line and avalanche-size distribution at depinning