Effect of Electric Field on Diffusion in Disordered Materials I. One-dimensional Hopping Transport
Effect of Electric Field on Diffusion in Disordered Materials II. Two- and Three-dimensional Hopping Transport
Effect of Field Direction and Field Intensity on Directed Spiral Percolation
Effect of Grain Geometry on Angle of Repose and Dynamics
Effect of hydrostatic pressure on irreversible thermal transformations in a polymer glass at low temperatures
Effect of Increasing Disorder on the Critical Behavior of a Coulomb System
Effect of initial conditions on Glauber dynamics in complex networks
Effect of leader's strategy on opinion formation in networked societies
Effect of Local Inhomogeneity on Nucleation; Case of Charge Density Wave Depinning
Effect of Local Magnetic Moments on the Metallic Behavior in Two Dimensions
Effect of long range connections on an infinite randomness fixed point associated with the quantum phase transitions in a transverse Ising model
Effect of microscopic disorder on magnetic properties of metamaterials
Effect of microstructures on the electron-phonon interaction in the disordered metals Pd$_{60}$Ag$_{40}$
Effect of motion of the scatterers on localization: quasi localization and quasi mobility edge
Effect of Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction on the Relaxation in Amorphous Solids
Effect of nuclear quadrupole interactions on the dynamics of two-level systems in glasses
Effect of phonon-phonon interactions on localization
Effect of physical aging on the low-frequency vibrational density of states of a glassy polymer
Effect of random disorder and spin frustration on the reentrant spin glass phase and ferromagnetic phase in stage-2 Cu_{0.93}Co_{0.07}Cl_{2} graphite intercalation compound near the multicritical point
Effect of random fluctuations on quantum spin-glass transitions at zero temperature