Exact solutions for the statistics of extrema of some random 1D landscapes, Application to the equilibrium and the dynamics of the toy model
Exact transmission moments in one-dimensional weak localization and single-parameter scaling
Exactly solvable model of inergodic spin glass
Exactly solvable models of adaptive networks
Exactly solvable scale-free network model
Exactness of the replica method in perturbation
Excess Modes and Enhanced Scattering in Rare-Earth Doped Amorphous Silicon Thin Films
Excess Modes in the Vibrational Spectrum of Disordered Systems and the Boson Peak
Excess number of percolation clusters on the surface of a sphere
Exchange anisotropy, disorder and frustration in diluted, predominantly ferromagnetic, Heisenberg spin systems
Excitation energy transfer between closely spaced multichromophoric systems: Effects of band mixing and intraband relaxation
Excitations in high-dimensional random-field Ising magnets
Excitations of the bimodal Ising spin glass on the brickwork lattice
Excitations of the One Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Random Potential
Exciton Dephasing and Thermal Line Broadening in Molecular Aggregates
Excitonic Funneling in Extended Dendrimers with Non-Linear and Random Potentials
Excitons in disordered polymers
Excitons in Molecular Aggregates with Lévy Disorder: Anomalous Localization and Exchange Broadening of Optical Spectra
Existence of a phase transition under finite magnetic field in the long-range RKKY Ising spin glass Dy$_{x}$Y$_{1-x}$Ru$_{2}$Si$_{2}$
Expansion-modificaction systems: an explanation for long range correlations in DNA